What Does an Airbnb Property Manager do?

Nimesh Specscale
2 min readOct 23, 2020


what does an airbnb property manager do

An Airbnb property manager has several jobs to handle, and when the booking starts coming in, his or her major goal is to separate the time from the income stream. The job includes cleaning, restocking household goods, checking up on the checked-in guests, and accepting and filling in all the guests’ details. Whether it ranges from managing reservations or having any worker pick up the cleaning supplies or managing any property and location, all the tasks fall in the property manager’s hands.

Taking Care Of Cost

Taking care of the cost of restocking all the utilities, including soap, detergent, and all the other cleaning supplies which are required by the guests on a daily basis, are to be managed by the manager. He or she has to make a list of all the demanded products and order them in bulk to manage the cost.

Replace the Stuff

The replacement of towels, linen, and checking up on the inventory also come within the job. All the check-in and check-out procedures of the guests and keeping the guests happy by providing them all the comfort utilities also fall within the job of the property manager.

Use House Guide

To make their job more efficient and less time-consuming, the manager should use a house guide that talks about all the details of the working of the house, whether it is the working of the TV or air conditioner. For the manager to lessen the load and distribute the work, they are also allowed to hire different employees like the maid, hosts, and the handy to work under them.

Track financial records

The manager has to also frequently and accurately keep track of the financial record and manage a large team of employees along with working the rented place. He or She has to manage all the property and have to make sure that the cleaning facilities are flexible, reliable, and have to empathize with the guests and co-employees.



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